Hair Restoration

Restore Skin & Hair
For A Natural Result

Discover Hair Restoration That Works

Hair restoration therapy is an advanced treatment that uses the proteins in a patient’s blood to restore the skin and hair for impressive and natural results. Blood contains proteins called growth factors which help many types of cells grow and repair. Our hair restoration treatment involves concentrating these platelets and injecting them into the body. Once injected, the growth factors stimulate healing and growth in the area to restore the surrounding tissue and produce a number of benefits in the body.

What is Hair Restoration Treatment?

In addition to restoring the skin, our hair restoration therapy can also be used to stimulate hair growth. By injecting our treatment into the scalp where hair growth is desired, patients can achieve natural hair restoration. The injection stimulates hair follicles and encourages the growth of thick, healthy hair. Many patients prefer our injections over other hair restoration treatments because it does not involve surgery and the lengthy recovery time that often comes with it.

How are Hair Restoration Treatments Administered?

The first step is drawing blood from the patient. Once the blood sample is collected, it is placed into a centrifuge, which concentrates the platelets needed for treatment. After the this is obtained, it is ready to be injected into the desired treatment area. During this step, we offer patients a topical anesthetic to minimize the discomfort of these injections. After multiple injections into the treatment area, the procedure is complete.

Is There Any Downtime After Hair Restoration Therapy Treatment?

After therapy, patients are able to work and perform other regular activities without restriction. Some patients may notice mild bruising or tenderness in the treated areas, but these effects typically fade within a few days. Since this therapy uses the patient’s own blood for treatment, there is a minimized risk of infection and other negative side effects.

When Will I Notice Results from Hair Restoration Therapy?

The results from hair restoration therapy develop gradually as the growth factors in your blood begin to take effect in the body. Many people notice results within weeks of treatment, with more significant results developing about three months later. If you are using our therapy to restore hair growth, it can take up to six months to notice results, and multiple treatments are often necessary.

How Much Does Hair Restoration Therapy Cost?

The cost of your hair restoration therapy treatment will depend on the area being treated and the number of treatments necessary to deliver your desired results. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will develop a personalized plan that includes the exact cost of your treatment. As a cosmetic procedure, our hair restoration therapy is not covered by insurance providers. In order to keep this and other treatments affordable for our patients, we offer financing through CareCredit® and accept all major credit cards.

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