Subtly & Gradually
Restore Facial Volume

What Is Sculptra®?

Sculptra® is an injectable treatment that works deep within the skin to stimulate collagen production. A loss of collagen is the main reason that people begin to develop wrinkles and lose volume in the skin. By addressing this issue, patients can achieve a boost in youthfulness that is natural and long-lasting. This is done with the use of poly-L-lactic acid, a material that is gradually absorbed by the body after injection. During this process, collagen is produced, resulting in beautiful cosmetic benefits.

Activate Your
Skin's Natural Power


What is a Sculptra® Treatment Like?

A number of Sculptra® injections will be performed in the desired treatment area(s). This process is virtually painless and takes only a few minutes, so the full Sculptra® treatment is completed in less than half an hour.

100% of patients
show clinical improvement for
up to 2 years


Is There Any Downtime After Sculptra®?

Sculptra® and many other injectables are popular cosmetic treatments because they require absolutely no downtime. Patients are able to return to work and other normal activities immediately after their appointment, making Sculptra® a great “lunchtime” procedure.

How Many Sculptra® Treatments Will I Need?

A series of three Sculptra® treatments is recommended, but this can vary depending on the cosmetic goals of the patient. These injections are spread out over three or four months to deliver optimal results.


What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Sculptra®?

The results from your Sculptra® treatment will develop gradually as you receive each treatment. Results tend to develop slowly at first, as it takes some time for collagen to be produced and take effect in the skin. Most patients begin to see results about two or three months after treatment, with continued improvements afterwards. Thanks to the collagen restoring benefits of treatment, the results from Sculptra® can last up to two years or longer.

How Much Does Sculptra® Cost?

The cost of your Sculptra® treatment will depend on the number of injections necessary to deliver your desired results. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will develop a personalized treatment plan that includes the exact cost of your treatment. As a cosmetic procedure, Sculptra® is not covered by insurance providers. In order to keep this and other treatments affordable to our patients, we offer financing through CareCredit® and accept all major credit cards.

Collagen is the structural component of your skin, so when it stops being created, wrinkles and creases form. Sculptra® at NUSCULPT, on the other hand, can help reverse the signs of aging by boosting your body’s natural production. Contact us to schedule a consultation with NUSCULPT to see whether Sculptra® can help you.

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