FDA Approved To Smooth Smile Lines For Up To 5 Years

What Is Bellafill®?

Bellafill® is a collagen-based dermal filler that adds a natural-looking volume and lift to the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It is most often used to address nasolabial folds, although it can be an effective treatment for other severe wrinkles as well.

The Bellafill® formula is unique in that it contains collagen. As the collagen is absorbed by the body, new collagen is produced in the treatment area. This allows for a continued improvement in the lift and volume of the skin for years after your Bellafill® treatment. As a result, Bellafill® offers some of the longest-lasting results in dermal fillers.

Beautiful Results
That Last

NUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-a- In Crestview Hills, KYNUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-b- In Crestview Hills, KY

What is Bellafill® Treatment Like?

At the start of the Bellafill® treatment procedure, the areas targeted for injection will be marked as a guide for the injector. A number of Bellafill® injections will then be performed in the desired treatment areas.

Because Bellafill® includes a local anesthetic called lidocaine, the targeted areas are numbed to any pain or discomfort. This process is virtually painless and takes only a few minutes, so the full Bellafill® treatment is completed in less than half an hour.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Bellafill®?

The Bellafill® formula instantly restores volume to the skin upon injection, so you will notice results immediately. After your treatment, you may experience mild redness or bruising in the treated area, but these effects will fade on their own within a few days. 

As the Bellafill® formula is absorbed by the body, your skin produces more collagen to prolong the results of treatment. As a result, you can expect the results from Bellafill® to last up to five years. This makes it one of the longest-lasting dermal fillers on the market.

Bellafill’s therapy will be quite painless because it contains lidocaine, which reduces discomfort. If this is your first time using this product, you will need to do a simple collagen test to ensure you are not allergic to collagen. The product will then be gently injected into the treated area by one of our expert practitioners. The operation takes around an hour or less to complete. There is no need for downtime, however some patients may experience slight redness and bruising. Following treatment, most patients resume their normal activities; however, particular post-treatment care is required and will be addressed at your session. Avoiding drugs including aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E for one week prior to treatment can help decrease mild redness and bruising. Arnica may also aid in the prevention of bruising in some people. You’ll see results right away, and they’ll become better with time. Because Bellafill® works instantly and lasts for so long, you won’t have any downtime in your daily life and may resume your normal routine as soon as your treatment is finished.

NUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-c- In Crestview Hills, KYNUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-d- In Crestview Hills, KY

How Much Does Bellafill® Cost?

The cost of your Bellafill® treatment will depend on the number of injections necessary to deliver your desired results. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will develop a personalized treatment plan that includes the exact cost of your treatment.

As a cosmetic procedure, Bellafill® is not covered by insurance providers. In order to keep this and other treatments affordable to our patients, we offer financing through CareCredit® and accept all major credit cards.

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