Hair Removal

Say Goodbye
To Unwanted Hair

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is an advanced, long-lasting hair removal technique. Methods such as waxing, plucking, and shaving can temporarily eliminate unwanted body hair, but repeated treatments are necessary as it continues to grow back. Laser hair removal targets and destroys hair follicles at the root with precise laser energy. Once the root is destroyed, hair is no longer able to regrow, allowing patients to enjoy smooth, hairless skin. At Nusculpt we are widely considered by our patients to offer the best Laser Hair Removal in Cincinnati, OH, and Crestview Hills, Kentucky.

What is Laser Hair Removal
Treatment Like?

During the laser hair removal treatment, we will deliver controlled laser energy across the desired treatment area, targeting hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. We apply cool air to your skin during this process, making the procedure virtually painless. The length of treatment can vary depending on the size of the area being treated, but most treatments take less than an hour.

Are There Any Side Effects After Laser Hair Removal?

After laser hair removal, your skin may be slightly red or sensitive in the treated area. We recommend patients avoid harsh sunlight to avoid skin damage while the skin recovers from treatment. Despite these effects, patients are typically able to return to work and other regular activities immediately following their appointment. The hair in the treated areas will fall out gradually over the weeks following treatment.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Will I Need?

The number of laser hair removal treatments necessary will depend on your skin type, hair type, and the treatment area. Most patients notice results after their first treatment, but it can take multiple treatments to achieve complete hair removal.

Are the Results from Laser Hair Removal Treatment Permanent?

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective solutions for long-term hair removal. However, there is no guaranteehair removal will be permanent. The results can vary by patient, meaning some patients may achieve permanent hair removal while others need regular treatments to maintain their results. If hair continues to grow back after laser hair removal, it generally grows back lighter and thinner, and is easily addressed with additional treatment sessions.

It’s been dubbed a “lunchtime procedure” for laser hair removal. This essentially implies that you can come to our office during your lunch hour and have the full operation completed. In addition, there is no recovery time. You might be anxious that you’ll be in a lot of pain during your treatment. Most people, on the other hand, describe the sensation as being similar to snapping a rubber band against the skin. They think it’s a lot less painful than having their hair waxed.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

The cost of your laser hair removal treatment will depend on the areas being treated and the number of treatments necessary to deliver your desired results. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will develop a personalized plan that includes the exact cost of your treatment. As a cosmetic procedure, laser hair removal is not covered by insurance providers. In order to keep this and other treatments affordable for our patients, we offer financing through CareCredit® and accept all major credit cards.

NUSCULPT’s laser hair removal might help you say goodbye to unwanted hair. It can also help you get rid of ingrown hairs and discomfort on your skin. A consultation at our office is the best method for you to find out if laser hair removal is correct for you.

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