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Say Goodbye
To The Double Chin
In Boca Raton, Florida

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is an FDA-approved non-surgical, minimally invasive injectable treatment for reducing the appearance of a double chin. Patients can have a more sculpted jawline with Kybella® without weeks of discomfort. Synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body, is the principal ingredient in this product. Deoxycholic acid aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat by the body. There is now an effective way for us to eliminate your Double Chin in Boca Raton, Florida!

Discover Kybella®
in Boca Raton, Florida

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Nusculpt medspa left in Crestview Hills, KY

When Kybella® is injected into fat cells behind the chin, it starts to destroy them. The body can no longer acquire fat in the area once the fat cells are removed, leading in a more defined neck and jawline.

Patients in Boca Raton, Florida regard Nusclupt to be the greatest Kybella® treatment provider. Contact us today to discover how we can help you say “goodbye” to your double chin, once and for all!

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella in Boca Raton, Florida?

Candidates for Kybella® in Boca Raton, Florida should be at least 18 years old, free of infections or other health problems in the treatment area, and not pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients who are using anti-inflammatory medications should see their doctor before receiving Kybella® treatment. Nonsmokers are preferable because smoking is harmful to tissue health.

What is a Kybella® Treatment Like?

The application of a topical anesthetic to the treatment region is the first step in your Kybella® double-chin reduction therapy. The skin is numbed to make the injection as painless as possible.

Following that, a series of Kybella® injections in the neck and chin area will be administered. Because this procedure takes only a few minutes, the entire Kybella® treatment takes less than half an hour.

Nusculpt medspa kybella right in Crestview Hills, KY
Nusculpt medspa kybella before in Crestview Hills, KYNusculpt medspa kybella after in Crestview Hills, KY

Is There Any Downtime After Kybella®?

Because there is no downtime with Kybella® and many other injectables, they are popular cosmetic treatments. Kybella® is a perfect “lunchtime” surgery because patients can return to work and other routine activities right after their session.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect From Kybella®?

Over time, patients will have a series of treatments, with each round of injections removing a greater number of the fat cells that produce submental fullness. You should anticipate to see benefits from Kybella within 4-6 weeks following your initial treatment, with fat reduction continuing with each subsequent consultation.

How Much Does Kybella® Cost in Boca Raton, Florida?

The cost of your Kybella® treatment will be determined by the number of injections required to get the results you seek. We will design a specific treatment plan for you when you come in for your initial appointment, which will include the precise cost of your therapy.

Kybella® is not covered by insurance because it is a cosmetic surgery. We provide CareCredit® financing and accept all major credit cards to keep this and other treatments affordable for our patients. Contact us today to say goodbye to your double chin!

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