Bellafill Boca Raton
FDA Approved To Smooth Smile Lines For Up To 5 Years

What Is Bellafill® In Boca Raton, FL?

Bellafill® is a collagen-based dermal filler that improves the appearance of wrinkles by adding natural-looking volume and lift to the skin. Although it is most commonly used to cure nasolabial folds, it can also be used to treat other severe wrinkles.

Bellafill® incorporates collagen, which makes it a one-of-a-kind solution. New collagen is created in the treatment area as the collagen is absorbed by the body. This means that your skin’s lift and volume will continue to improve for years after your Bellafill® treatment. As a result, Bellafill® provides some of the most long-lasting dermal filler effects.

Beautiful Results
That Last

NUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-a- In Crestview Hills, KYNUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-b- In Crestview Hills, KY

What is Bellafill® Treatment Like in Boca Raton, FL?

The areas targeted for injection will be marked as a guide for the injector at the commencement of the Bellafill® treatment procedure. Following that, a series of Bellafill® injections will be administered to the targeted treatment locations.

Bellafill® contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic that numbs the targeted areas to any pain or discomfort. Because this procedure is totally painless and only takes a few minutes, the entire Bellafill® treatment takes less than half an hour.

Women before getting Bellafill In Boca Raton FL, at NuSculptWomen after getting Bellafill In Boca Raton FL, at NuSculpt

Is There Any Downtime After Bellafill®?

Because there is no downtime with Bellafill® and many other injectables, they are popular aesthetic treatments. Bellafill® is a perfect “lunchtime” surgery because patients can return to work and other typical activities right after their appointment.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect from Bellafill®?

The Bellafill® solution restores volume to the skin soon after injection, so you’ll see results right away. Mild redness or bruising in the treated area may occur after your treatment, but these effects may fade on their own within a few days.

Your skin creates more collagen as the Bellafill® solution is absorbed by the body, extending the treatment’s results. As a result, Bellafill® can provide benefits that last up to five years. As a result, it is one of the most long-lasting dermal fillers available.

Because Bellafill contains lidocaine, which lessens discomfort, the treatment will be rather painless. If you’re taking this product for the first time, you’ll need to perform a simple collagen test to guarantee you’re not allergic to collagen. One of our trained practitioners will then gently inject the substance into the treated area. It takes around an hour or less to perform the procedure. Although no downtime is required, some patients may have minor redness and bruising. Most patients continue their normal activities after treatment; however, special post-treatment care is required, which will be discussed during your consultation. Avoiding aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E for one week before treatment will help reduce moderate bruising and redness. In certain persons, arnica may also help to reduce bruising. You’ll see effects almost immediately, and they’ll improve with time. You won’t have any downtime in your regular life because Bellafill® works instantaneously and lasts for so long. You may continue your normal routine as soon as your treatment is over.

NUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-c- In Crestview Hills, KYNUSCULPT Aesthetics & Wellness bellafill-before-after-d- In Crestview Hills, KY

How Much Does Bellafill® Filler Cost in Boca Raton, FL?

The cost of your Bellafill® treatment will be determined by the number of injections required to get the results you desire. We will design a specific treatment plan for you when you come in for your initial appointment, which will include the precise cost of your therapy.

Bellafill® is not covered by insurance as a cosmetic surgery. We provide CareCredit® financing and accept all major credit cards to keep this and other treatments affordable for our patients.

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